
Kurtul Makina Çorlu - Mersin Kazan Logistics Project

Kurtul Makina Çorlu - Mersin Kazan Logistics Project

Kurtul Makina Çorlu - Mersin Kazan Logistics Project

As a result of preliminary negotiations with the relevant company, the dimensions of these specially designed boilers, which we undertook to carry under the control of our foreign partner company, were “10.50 x 5.05 x 5.15: 65.000 kg “. 

For this reason, by loading with our special hydraulic vehicles for these loads, teams were taken from the TR Highways and survey reports were prepared for the route and these transports were shipped to Mersin accompanied by our own escort team by obtaining dimensional load permits.

Contact Information

  • Arabacıalanı Mh. Çark Cd. Hilloria İş & Yaşam Merkezi No:310/1 D: 318 Serdivan Sakarya / TÜRKİYE
  • +90 264 582 0 500 (pbx)
  • +90 264 502 3 100 (Faks)
  • +90 530 101 5 430 (WhatsApp)

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